imalex's Diaryland Diary


Drunken Nights and Worries

Last night was absolutely crazy. I got so drunk so fast, and I did a lot of things I regret. I was flirting with Pramodh the whole night grinding up against him and lord knows what else. Afterwards when the club closed for the night we were stuck on the street because this huge brawl broke out, so we were running around trying to find a way to get to the bridge going to Ottawa from Gatineau. Sam and I really had to go pee and for some reason we let these creepy drunk guys convince to go in an alley way. With Pramodh and this guy named Adam keeping watch we ran down this Alley to pee.

I have never felt so trashy than at that momment. I regret it but at the same time I'll never take it back. You only live once.

Ugh. This morning was terrible. And I saw Pramodh when we went to get Sam's fridge. He's such a nice guy and he and I get along so well. I just looked up at him and went red. He laughed, and I know he doesn't judge me but OMG not the way you want to project yourself. The other thing to is I get the sinking feeling that I may fall for him. He isn't the convetional attractive guy, and most people would be like "Why?" but I don't know. There is something so interesting and fantastic about him.

I am just going to focus on being friends with him though. Its a promise.

My new roommate moves in tomorrow and I've cleaned the entire room since Emily's departure. Also I've organized all my things again so I can go to sleep tonight feeling happy. Ugh, I'm still nervous though. But whatever, I'll try to be friends with them but Julia and Sam are cool enough. The thing about Emily is although she had a lot of annying habits she never got in my way after the first week. And I could come and go as I pleased without having to really answer to her. We had got into our routine and comfort zone and now its broken. Not to forget now I don't have a fridge :(

I'm just so terrified I'm going to get a stone cold skinny bitch whore.

2:09 a.m. - 2010-09-19


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