imalex's Diaryland Diary


New Year's Resolutions of 2010

I will now put the standard New Year's Eve entry.

Looking back on 2010 the only thing I really did was work, drink, gain weight, and start my life at University. I fell out love, fell back into it, made a fool of myself, but I have friends that I know I will continue to talk to for the next four years of my life, at the least. I've lost weight in the last four months, and I continue to do so for the next four. I want to end 2011 on a very high note. And by next year I plan to be very settled in my friendships, and my life in Ottawa.

I have let the idea of him go, finally. It's now just a fantasy in the back of my head. Right now I look forward to just being friends with him. Because that's all I want. He's too much a douche, and too naive about the world. I don't want to be that girl who wakes him up. I'm already that girl to a lot of people in my life, and I am tired of being the one who takes care of everyone. Especially to those who are too proud, and too unappreciative of a nice person like me.

Brian is my new best friend, I think. And I so look forward to going to school and seeing Brian, Jocelyn, Ben S, Sam, and Julia. I also look forward to seeing Tharaka, Bobo, Ben, and Pramodh. But I'm not putting anymore effort into being their friends until they learn to return the generosity. Then again they are young. Bobo is a little better at it than the others, but still, he's young in a lot of ways.

Here are my New Year's Resolutions:

1) Get a job. I need money to pay everything.

2) Work out more, eat better. (Four times a week I must be going to the gym).

3) No longer will I talk behind a persons back; spread a rumour; and deal with drama better than I have in the past.

4) I love myself. Learn, live, and breathe this. It's my new mantra.

5) Look into yoga or dance classes.

6) Read more.

7) Go to every single class. Do every single assignment. Be smart about you're degree over hanging out time.

8) Do something creative. Preform more.

9) Learn guitar.

10) Be positive. Life is too short to wallow on the past!

Every single one of these is important to me, and I plan to follow through on them all. They are all achievable. And I will achieve them.

2:29 a.m. - 2011-01-01


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