imalex's Diaryland Diary


Fuel Up

My goal this summer is to take another step towards the person I want to be, and see what happens.

I've been listening to Stornoway again, and its sort of been taking me back to the summer and putting me in that state of mind I used to be in. It's really good for me.

My ear hurts. I've been spacing my second piercing's on my ears and I forgot how much of a bitch it is. I've had my double zero's since ninth grade - almost seven years now? that I sort of don't have the same tolerance as I used to. Also my hands have been killing me lately and its not making anything else better.

Michelle and I have found an apartment (about a month ago now) and we'll be leaving this shit hole in two months. Quite simply, I'm bloody excited. I'm moving towards a new stage in my life, and I'm looking forward to the smaller home. This place is too big for me sometimes. Hopefully I'll be leaving Solutions soon, and start somewhere else. I'd like to work night shifts at Walmart or something and work days at the school. I doubt that's how everything will work out, but a girl can hope.

School is pretty much shit, I have three (or is it four?) assignments to get through and I just have to study my ass off for exams. Specifically Russian and Death and Afterlife, my two classes that I'm a little lost in. I'm thinking if I don't make enough money this summer I'll deffer for a semester and go back without having to work.

I just want to love life again, be happy. Do things I ENJOY. Most days I feel like this bird trapped in a cage, as cliche that is. And it's supposedly a cage I should be happy in, but fuck that. I want to be singing my nights away, and laughing in the mornings. I want to be making love to the world, enjoying every second of it, and spend a little time helping some people maybe.

I guess I just need to fuel up first.

1:03 a.m. - 2012-03-23


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